FatFacts – Zdravé črevo, Zdravý život

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Už čoskoro sa u nás v Bite&Byte budeme rozprávať s lekárom Ladislavom Kuželom o zdravom stravovaní a trávení. Spolu s našim moderátorom Egonom Doležalom budú preberať témy zdravého metabolizmu, chronických chorôb či vyvrátenia mýtov o konzumácii rýb.   Rezervácia miesta […]

FatFacts #3 – How to live with Food Intolerances

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Another episode of a popular live podcast FatFacts! Moderator Egon Doležal asks specialists in the field tough questions and helps to bust myths. This time he invited specialist for allergies and intolerances, Doctor Katarina Bergendiova, Phd. that represents Immunovital health […]

Sexuálna výchova – Intimita – od mentálnej nahoty po tú v posteli

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Miška and Vala are the authors of Sexual Education podcast where they are trying to normalise sex talks. Their episodes are full of humour and provide information which are missing at schools and at home. They already published more than […]

Sexuálna výchova – intimita od mentálnej nahoty po tú v posteli

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Miška and Vala are authors of Sexual Education podcast where they are trying to normalise sex talks. Their episodes are full of humour and provide information which are missing at schools and at home. They already published more than 50 […]

Ašot Haas – Večer s umením

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Discussion with worldwide well known artist Ašot Haas, who is connecting creative art with science and technology. His art creates very strong emotional experience among the audience. Come and enjoy nice evening with Ašot Haas and Bite.

Ašot Haas – Večer s umením

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Discussion with worldwide well know artist Ašot Haas, who is connecting creative art with science and technology. His art creates very strong emotional experience among the audience. Come and enjoy nice evening with Ašot Haas and Bite.

Najčastejšie mýty o bitcoine

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Lets talk about the most common myths about Bitcoin. Is bitcoin just a pyramid? Does bitcoin have any value? Is it used only by criminals for ilegal use? ... and many more at Tuesdays discussion with Dušan Matuška.

Najčastejšie mýty o Bitcoine – Dušan Matuška

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Let’s talk about the most common myths about Bitcoin. Is bitcoin just a pyramid? Does bitcoin have any value? Is it used only by criminals for ilegal use? …and many more at tuesday’s discussion with Dusan Matuska.

Taco Tuesday s Palom

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy Taco Tuesday with Palo and his first guest Robert Vittek. He will be asked many interesting questions and some of them will be pretty spicy. We will have special offer of Tacos and drink, so you can […]

Profil Zločinu – Talkshow Kristíny Kövešovej

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Live show of adventurous journalist, who has no fear. The crime is all around us and it is part of our life, therefore we should talk about it. The guests of Kristína will be Sima Hegerová and Ida Želinská. Book […]

MAZUMIS – fashion show

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Bite&Byte in special cooperation with Mazumis has prepared for you unique Friday evening. Fashion show and discussion with founders of Mazumis lead by Diana Hagerova. Only during this evening you will be able to buy special pieces by Mazumis for […]

Cestovanie po Slovensku

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Aleš Mlátilík - CEO Zlavomatu a odborník na cestovanie po Slovensku, ktorého možno poznáte aj z Telerána, kde rozpráva o cestovateľských typoch vyspovedá ho moderátorka večera Diana Hágerová. Aleš vám prezradí zaujímavosti a dá vám typy na výlety po Slovensku, […]