Perfectly balanced meals and beverages in which we try to minimize the amount of allergens and food intolerance triggers
The place that connects

Our story and mission
Two innovators and entrepreneurs – Filip Štefanička and Samuel Pokorný – are behind the holistic concept Bite&Byte. For several years, they lacked transparency and the ability to customize their meals according to individual needs. They perceived the need to create a space that takes into account people with different food intolerances, allergies and dietary preferences, so that these people are also able to eat a full and quality diet, even during working hours

“We see food and drink as tools to improve quality of life. Our mission is to change the often unhealthy way of eating, which is also due to the low flexibility of the market and the lack of adaptation of food and beverage outlets to people’s individual needs. We want to offer customers the opportunity to eat well and healthily. Customize their food and beverage offerings to meet their individual needs. Be as transparent as possible by displaying the complete composition, nutritional values and suitability according to his choice of intolerances. All this also with the help of our special gastro system, our experts, and our own mobile app, through which he can order, choose a special variant, adjust the composition and even pay.”

The food your body needs
We decided to demolish all dogmas and create functional meals that not only please the eye and the stomach, but especially replenish all the nutrients your body needs during the day.Download our app to find out more!
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