FatFacts #4 – Light, Sleep, Energy, Health with Hynek Medřický

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Another episode of a popular live podcast FatFacts is here. Moderator Egon asks specialists in the field tough questions and helps to bust myths. His host will be Hynek Medřický the specialist for light.  

Hoceky & Bite

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy hockey evening with Slovak hockey players, winners of Extraliga: Rastislav Gašpar, Tomáš Matoušek and Tomáš Ziga.


Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Prvým hosťom Deni v jej body, soul & mind eventoch po letných prázdninách budú Adriana a Roman zakladatelia značky LASKAMiER. LASKAMiER je značka, ktorá nie je iba značkou. Je to spojenie hudby, jedla, módy a komunita. S našou moderátorkou Denisou […]

Cestovanie do exotiky na vlastnú päsť

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Janka travelhacker is bloger and influencer, who gives practical tips how to travel around the world for the best price. We will speak how to travel without travel agents for the best prices, what are the best destinations to visit, […]

Live Talk s LART & AHART

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Jedna značka, 3 srdcia, 8 chápadiel a veľa farieb ako chobotnica. Nový brand, v ktorom saspojili talentovaná Lucia Rubeljová a zaujímavá, vtipná a kreatívna Alexandra Hudecová. Príďte si vypočuť live talk, ktorú bude moderovať Jany Landl už túto stredu o […]


Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy unique Brunch with Alpacas from our Farm. The time slots are: 10:00 - 12:00 or 12:30 - 14:30. Price is 35 euro / per person Child Brunch Box : 25 euro / per person Please let us […]

Breakfast with Alpacas

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy tasty and unique breakfast with our Alpacas. The price is 19.90 Euro / per person - this amount will transfer into your Bite&Byte mobile app as a spending money on your breakfast. There are two time slots […]

ADULTS ONLY Breakfast with Alpacas

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy tasty and unique breakfast with our Alpacas. The price is 19.90 Euro / per person - this amount will transfer as a credit to your Bite&Byte mobile application. There are two time slots for Breakfast at 8:00 […]


Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy unique Brunch with Alpacas from our Farm. The time slots are: 10:00 - 12:00 or 12:30 - 14:30. Price is 35 euro / per person Child Brunch Box : 25 euro / per person Please let us […]

Breakfast with Alpacas

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy tasty and unique breakfast with our Alpacas. The price is 19.90 Euro / per person - this amount will transfer as a credit to your Bite&Byte mobile application. The reservation is needed also for children older than […]

ADULTS ONLY Breakfast with Alpacas

Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy tasty and unique breakfast with our Alpacas. The price is 19.90 Euro / per person - this amount will transfer as a credit to your Bite&Byte mobile application. There are two time slots for Breakfast at 8:00 […]


Bite&Byte Plynárenská 3E, Bratislava, Slovensko, Slovenská republika

Come and enjoy unique Brunch with Alpacas from our Farm. The time slots are: 10:00 - 12:00 or 12:30 - 14:30. Price is 35 euro / per person Kid's Brunch Box (2 - 8 years old children): 25 euro / […]